About BAMO

BMF was incorporated in 2023 under the charitable and not-for-profit organizations Act, laws of Kenya. We are a charitable organization based in Nakuru, Nakuru county, created to serve communities in Nakuru and its environs while guided by its values, mission, and vision.

Our Origins Story

Mama Bathsheba Moraa was born from a humble family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Simba Nyamato in the year 1953 at Morako village in Manga District. She grew up with her brothers and sisters where they developed a good relationship among themselves, always helping and advising each other everytime they met.

Mama Bathseba Moraa attended school in her local area up to class seven. She was a hardworking girl and was among the few who went to school. Educating girls by then was very much discouraged in her community. Her education helped her especially in knowing how to bring up her children, doing various businesses and providing guidance in the church.

  • Mama Bathseba Moraa met Samuel Ondieki Osebe in her early adulthood. They were blessed with a wonderful family of amazing and unique children. Namely: Gilbert Simba, David Omayio, Patrick Onyambu, Douglas Omwanza, Elijah Siko and Joshua Osebe. She developed lifelong relationship from the marriages of her children and showed how a wonderful grandmother she was to the grandchildren.

    Mama Bathseba Moraa was baptized into the Seventh Day Adventist Church and grew to become a strong leader within the church. She was a member of the Dorcas and Women Organization and advisor to the young people on right Christianity principles at Nyangena SDA church and later Kiamunyi West SDA church.

    Mama Bathseba Moraa was a hardworking business lady throughout her life. She took extensive farming of pyrethrum, sugarcane, pineapples, poultry and dairy cattles. She became the mentor, teacher , counselor and advisor of many at the local chamas’ and merrygorounds which she founded and run both in Nyamira and Nakuru counties.

    Mama Bathseba Moraa fell sick early in the year 2013. On May the 12th same year she was diagnized with acute pneumonia and unfortunately passed away on 13th May 2013 at 5:30am.

    Since then, in May 13th 2023 marked her 10th anniversary that lead to the implementation of BAMO Memorial Foundation by her Children, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren for the good work that she showed to the community to continue.

Our Objectives

  • To safeguard and promote BAMO’s vision of family, love, happiness, hard work, and collective responsibility.

  • The Foundation aims to build community-centered partnerships with the local people, other non-profit organizations, private, and government agencies to develop, implement and sustain creative programs and services that have a measurable impact on the social-economic, health, and overall well-being of the community we serve.

  • To work towards improving the health & living standards of the communities we serve.

  • To provide specialized medical care, health promotion, and health education to the community.

    • To provide specialty consultation and health education to the local medical professionals to help build personnel capacity to meet the ongoing healthcare needs of the local population.

    • To educate and empower the rural communities on their rights to health information and how to be assertive to receiving the proper care when accessible, a health community is a strong community.

    • To work with the community youth and women on programs that will specifically improve their standards of living and be productive members of the society.

    • To enter arrangements with any government or authority that align to the Foundation’s objectives or any of them, and to obtain from such government or authority any rights, privileges, and concessions, which the foundation may consider desirable to obtain.

    • Apply to any governments or authority, public bodies, corporations, Companies, or persons for and to accept grants or gift of money and any moveable or immovable property, donations, gifts, subscriptions, and other assistance with a view to promoting the objects of the Group, and, in taking of any gift or property to take the same subject to any special trust which may be prescribed by the donor thereof.

    • Engage consultants, advisors, experts, and other staff for all or any of the objectives of the charitable organization.

    • Acquire any moveable or immovable property and buildings or things whatsoever and sell, dispose of, mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property or rights of the Group as may be determined from time to time by a vote of the membership in achieving the Foundation’s objectives.

    • Do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objectives as may be voted by the membership for the benefit of all members or for common purpose?

Meet Our Team

David I President

David has enjoyed a fulfilling career with Covenant Health, Alberta Health Services in Alberta Canada as a nurse manager since 2011. His experience as frontline health worker during COVID-19 pandemic, has influenced his passion and commitment to fighting for a strong resilient community.

  • David brings with him a lifetime experience of community development. Since moving to Edmonton, he hasvolunteered with various community and grassroots organizations. David is a community organizer and his strong belief in giving back is appointer to his devotion of community leadership positions, having led the Association of Kenyans in Alberta as the president for 5 years. David has a deep commitment to community enhancement and human dignity in the framework of a just society, which led him to take up the mantle of leadership of BAMO Memorial Foundation. His goal is always to represent BMF proudly and loves the community unity that comes with being a member of the organization. David is known to many for his fight for a just society, building families, commitment to what he believes is right, servant leadership and serves the greater good, and his love for education. David’s interest outside of work include spending time with his family, community service, and volunteer work. He enjoys traveling and social events.

Patrick I Secretary

Patrick is a devoted Information Technology specialist, Project Management professional and Security Officer. He holds a master’s degree in project management (MSc PM) from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, a bachelor’s in business information technology (BBIT)

  • and diploma in Computer Science (DCS) from Nkumba University, Uganda. Patrick has a strong technical and Management skills experience for over ten years from various organizations. Possess comprehensive knowledge in the latest Information Technology, Project Management software applications and Security skills that are vital in the realization of BAMO Memorial Foundation goals. Patrick was born and raised in Nyamira County, Kenya. Currently a resident in Nairobi County, Utawala, where he lives with his wife and children. He is a product of results-driven and detail-oriented, team player and values client’s satisfaction on their projects. Patrick is a key player to Nevap Contractors and Property Management, where he manages the organization’s operations since 2016, ICT Instructor and National Security officer since 2007, thus he brings with him a lifetime experience in projects, ICT and Security skills to BAMO Memorial Foundation. BMF is proud to have Patrick in its team and will work hard to ensure that the community needs are satisfied as expounded by its mission and vision.

Joshua I Events & Projects Coordinator

Joshua is a Resourceful Event Coordinator with over eight years of experience coordinating large-scale events from planning to successful execution. Crucial in meeting tight deadlines and coordinating high-quality community-benefiting events

  • through BAMO Memorial Foundation. All of this can be attributed to his exceptional creativity, adaptability, collaborative skills, and communication abilities. Joshua's humble upbringing enables him to comprehend the importance of giving back to the community in accordance with the BAMO Memorial Foundation's mission & vision. Currently practicing as a Registered Nurse, Joshua holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN) from Midwestern State University, USA. Bachelor of Science in computer (BSC) from Nkumba University, Uganda and an Associate degree of Arts from Tarrant Community College, USA.

Elijah I Treasurer

Mr. Elijah Ondieki was born in Kahawa, a small village in Nyamira County. He spent most of his life in small rural towns in Kenya, making him understand the many myriad issues of most vulnerable Kenyan population. Elijah has worked with various small managed but reputable organizations such as Elimo

  • Electronics, BAMO Enterprises, and currently with Elimo Investments. His fast experience and educational background, having graduated from the prestigious Makerere University with a bachelor’s degree in international business management has seen him climb his career ladder and currently serves as the Director of Elimo Investments. Elijah, now a Kenyan politician having traversed rural Kenya campaigning for the 2022 Kenyan elections under a major political party understands the needs of many impoverished people, an experience that will be valuable to BAMO Memorial in achieving its goals. Elijah, a team player and a lover of people looks forward to serving as a BMF treasurer and to being part of a committed team that will see the community served through BMF.